Expansion Dome

Call 1-800-455-3917 for pricing

SKU: UMC-450 Category:



    • Stainless steel upper coaming ring at seal area for corrosion resistance.
    • Hand wheel operated sealing mechanism.
    • Large swivel arm for easy movement of hatch cover.
    • Neoprene Gasket.
Feature Description
Optional Ullage or Sight-Glass available upon request welded to hatch cover.
Other gasket materials available.
Expansion domes are typically found on tank barges. They are commonly used to access cargo compartments for venting, filling, and inspecting.
Steel (ASTM A36) + 304 Stainless Steel
Painted Primer Grey
Model Number Part Number Description Weight Total Lbs (Kgs.) Autocad PDF/DXF/XML
UMC-450-3624-SG 03800-141B 36×24 Expansion Dome w/ Sight Glass 828 (376)
UMC-450-4224-SG 03800-141A 42×24 Expansion Dome w/ Sight Glass 1012 (459)